Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 6
ink on rag
12" x 10"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 8
Man contemplating political malpractice
ink on rag
12" x 10"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 Paint on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 10
The bone inside a prayer
Paint on rag
22" x 30"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 paint on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 12
A prayer in a metal detector
paint on rag
22" x 30"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 in and type on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 14
Sign says Beaver House, looks real but the beavers teeth are wired to the wood.
in and type on rag
12" x 10"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 16
Bar bat, drunk, sucks on fur coat.
ink on rag
12" x 10"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink, text on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 18
The Japanese courteously burn leaves, Sun hanging through.
ink, text on rag
12" x 10"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink, text on paper
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 20
Leaf dropped off the deaf mute tree, green hairy remonstrance of wholeness.
ink, text on paper
12" x 5"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 Ink, cloth, text on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 22
Behind the red curtain, down on its knees, an orangutan.
Ink, cloth, text on rag
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink and text on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 24
Character in a childs drawing wipes deaths brow.
ink and text on rag
9" x 6"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 paint on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 26
The toilet snake
paint on rag
22" x 30"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 paint and text on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 28
CURSE Pus and blood, gums and cats, with rotten rats, worms and germs, like ice on meatloaf.
paint and text on rag
30" x 22"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink, collage, text on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 30
DETAIL. The balance of the head, resides solely in the bite, and philosopher kids wear helicopter hats, providing lift for dreams lost downhill, like barrels over the edge of an old baseball players statistics.
ink, collage, text on rag
16" x 14" app.
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 in on paper
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 32
The family that survived the hangman
in on paper
11" x 10"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink and type on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 34
I wonder that we breed
ink and type on rag
10" x 10"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink and type on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 36
SUNDOWN Hammering continued long after I had forgotten that the light on the trees wasn't a form of carpentry.
ink and type on rag
15" x 10" app.

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 38
The dinner party
ink on rag
8" x 8"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink and paint on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 40
The happy couple prepare for bed
ink and paint on rag
8" x 8"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 42
Nursing monkies
ink on rag
24" x 18"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink and type on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 44
The famous three bear family is turned away from the gates of heaven because animals don't have souls.
ink and type on rag
9" x 9"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 46
I have found chicken soup flavored gelatin legs to be the most effective shark bait. Use plenty of gelatin for a long lasting natural action.
ink on rag
9" x 9"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 48
Bell on a cat
ink on rag
10" x 12"

Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 paint on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 50
paint on rag
22" x 30"
Roger Palmer 1980 to 1989 ink on rag
Works on paper ,  article artwork image 52
Cat measures rat
ink on rag
12" x 16"